Global Politics, International High Finance, Propaganda


Friday, 26 March 2010

Canada and Australia publically admit genocide

GENOCIDE Admitted by both Canada and Australia

(a special kind of genocide known as "cultural" genocide)

CANADA (2008)

"Prime Minister Stephen Harper publicly apologized to native Canadians on Wednesday for the longtime government policy of taking aboriginal children away from their families and cultures.

In his historic speech, Harper said the treatment of children at the schools, where they often suffered from physical and sexual abuse, was a sad chapter in the country's history.



The apology came just months after Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a similar gesture to the so-called Stolen Generations - thousands of the continent's Aborigines who were forcibly taken from their families as children under assimilation policies that lasted from 1910 to 1970. "

(The quotes above are from "CBS news June 11, 2008)

More details About Genocide by Canada and Australia


The Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement
[In 2006] Aboriginal people ["first nations"] sued the Canadian Government over child abuse and won the " 'Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement' (IRSSA) which is an agreement between the government of Canada and approximately 86,000 Native Canadians removed from their families as children and placed in the Canadian Indian residential school system during the 20th century.

The IRSSA recognized the damage inflicted by the residential schools and established a $2 billion compensation package for the victims. The agreement, announced in 2006, was the largest class action settlement in Canadian history."
from wikipedia:-

The Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission 
Nine days prior to Prime Minister Harper's apology (mentioned above) the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was established to uncover the truth about the schools. (

That commission reported in 2015 and said:-

'Cultural Genocide,' Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls Residential Schools by Mary Annette Pember 6/3/15

Canada clearly participated in a period of cultural genocide, said Justice Murray Sinclair Ojibwe, who chaired the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and presented its official findings about Canada's residential schools program on June 2 2015.
This, the final gathering of the TRC, convened as one component of Canada's Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement 
The TRC's summary version of a multi-volume report. Six years in the making, the report documents widespread physical and sexual abuses at government- and church-run residential schools from 1883 until 1998. 
"This has been a difficult, inspiring and very painful journey for all of us," Sinclair said. "The residential school experience is clearly one of the darkest, most troubling chapters in our collective history" the period from Confederation until the decision to close residential schools was taken in this country in 1969.

See also:-
Canada's Forced Schooling of Aboriginal Children Was "Cultural Genocide" Report Finds -
From the New York Times: JUNE 2, 2015



Previous Apologies to the "First Peoples in Canada from various Churches.

The Presbyterian Church offers a confession to Canada's First Nations people.

The Anglican Church offers an apology to Canada's First Nations people.

The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate offers an apology to Canada's First Nations people.

Phil Fontaine, leader of the Association of Manitoba Chiefs, meets with representatives of the Catholic Church. He demands that the church acknowledge the physical and sexual abuse suffered by students at residential schools.

Non-aboriginal orphans at Mount Cashel Orphanage in Newfoundland make allegations of sexual abuse by Christian Brothers at the school.

The case paves the way for litigation for residential school victims.

The United Church of Canada formally apologizes to Canada's First Nations people.

from:- CBCnews :-

No Change In Canada!! Latest News 2016

20 years since Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, still waiting for change - (2016)

When the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) released its final report in 1996, it set out a 20-year agenda for implementing changes to better the lives of Indigenous people in this country.
Those two decades have now come to an end.

"There is a very powerful lesson there, which is that today still, I don't think it's changed much," says Paul Chartrand, 72, one of the original commissioners.

Born of conflict, RCAP was established shortly after a 78-day armed standoff — known as the Oka Crisis — between the Mohawk community of Kanesatake, the Sûreté du Québec, and the Canadian army.

The commission was meant to "help restore justice to the relationship between aboriginal and non-aboriginal people in Canada, and to propose practical solutions to stubborn problems," according to the final report.


Canada: Why Aren’t Conditions of Life for First Nations a National Emergency?

In May of 2012, The U.N.’s Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Prof. Olivier De Schutter, visited his first NATO country, Canada. He found Canada’s indigenous peoples generally deprived of adequate nutrition ("People are simply too poor to eat decently"). He found the Aboriginal peoples at risk.
In October, 2013, the UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Rights, James Anaya, visited Canada and found Canada’s Aboriginal peoples "in crisis."  20% lived in unfit housing. There was an alarming suicide rate. There were high rates of violence against women. And high rates of incarceration. Discriminatory funding disparities. Lack of adequate funding. Lack of Aboriginal inclusion in the educational policies, etc..
In sum, Aboriginal people were at risk, some without enough to eat, some with bad water, some without liveable shelter.





AUSTRALIA apologises to its aboriginies

The "National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families", established in May 1995 reported in April 1997.
Of the 118 official investigations - judicial inquiries, parliamentary committee reports and royal commissions - into aspects of Aboriginal affairs this century, this is by far the starkest and strongest indictment, concluding that Australia has knowingly committed genocide through the forcible transfer of children, as a matter of official policy, not just yesteryear but as recently as the 1970s.
A finding of genocide was presented : the essence of the crime, it was stated, was acting with the intention of destroying the group, not the extent to which that intention was achieved. The forcible removals were intended to "absorb", "merge", "assimilate" the children "so that Aborigines as a distinct group would disappear".
Australian National University historian Peter Read defined the accusation: "welfare officers, removing children solely because they were Aboriginal, intended and arranged that they should lose their Aboriginality, and that they never return home." (Windschuttle, 2009)

Australia's Human Rights Commission, wrote in its 1997 report 'Bringing Them Home': "The policy of forcible removal of children from Indigenous Australians to other groups for the purpose of raising them separately from and ignorant of their culture and people could properly be labeled 'genocidal in breach of binding international law."
Between 1910 and 1970 an estimated 50,000-100,000+ Aboriginal children were removed from their families. Most of them were aged under five.
The crime of genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate physical destruction of a group. The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which was adopted by the United Nations in 1948 and ratified by Australia in 1949, defines genocide as:
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm of members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the groups

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. 
The Convention recognises that genocide is a crime against humanity and expressed a shared international outrage about genocide and empowered ANY country to prosecute an offender. The Inquiry's examination of historical documents found that the clear intent of removal policies was to absorb, merge or assimilate children so that Indigenous people, as a distinct racial group, would disappear. (Lavarch, 1997)
The Inquiry found that the forcible removal of Indigenous children was a gross violation of their human rights. It was racially discriminatory and continued after Australia, as a member of the United Nations from 1945, committed itself to abolish racial discrimination.
From around the turn of 20th century up to the 1970s, Australian government authorities assumed legal guardianship of all Indigenous children and removed large numbers of them from their families in order to `assimilate' them into European society and culture. This policy has been described as `cultural genocide', even though at the time it was presented by state and church authorities as being `in the best interests' of the children.
However it is now known that it was not in the best interests of the children and the removal of Indigenous babies and children would have a devastating effect on these individuals and the culture for many years to come.



The 1997 "Bringing Them Home" report recommended that the Prime Minister apologise to the Stolen Generations. Prime Minister John Howard refused to do so, stating that he "did not subscribe to the black armband view of history".

On 26 August 1999, Prime Minister Howard moved a Motion of Reconciliation, which included an expression of "deep and sincere regret that indigenous Australians suffered injustices under the practices of past generations, and for the hurt and trauma that many indigenous people continue to feel as a consequence of those practices".

The opposition leader Kim Beazley moved to replace Howard's motion of regret with an unreserved apology, but was unsuccessful.

In response, a popular movement evolved to celebrate "sorry day" in the absence of formal political recognition from the conservative government.

On Wednesday 13 February 2008 after many years of pain and suffering due to the removal of indigenous children from their homes, the newly elected Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, publicly said "Sorry" for the Stolen generations, the 19th -20th century policy of forcible removal of as many as 0.1 million Australian Aboriginal children from their mothers.  (see below what ELSE he did in 2007 - he sent in the troops in something called "The Intervention")

 (NO  Compensation) A few hours after the "Sorry" vote in the Australian Parliament a move to amend the historic "Sorry Motion" by adding a commitment to offer, "just compensation to all those who suffered loss" - was, of course, LOST (65 to 4 votes in the Senate)

2016 :- More Genocide :- "The Intervention"

What follows below is from John Pilger 2016

When Rosalie [ Kunoth-Monks - an aborigine ] phoned me from Utopia [near Alice Springs Australia], she said,

"It’s not so much the physical starvation as the traumatising of my people, of whole communities We are duped all the time. White Australia sets up organisations and structures that offer the pretence of helping us, but it’s a pretence, no more. If we oppose it, it’s a crime. Simply belonging is a crime. Suicides are everywhere. (She gave me details of the suffering in her own family). They’re out to kill our values, to break down our traditional life until there’s nothing there anymore."


A trailer for John Pilgers film about these Aborigines called "Utopia"

The starvation and poverty and the division often sewn among Indigenous people themselves as they try to identify those responsible stem in large part from an extraordinary episode known as "the Intervention". This is Australia’s dirty secret.

In 2007, the then Prime Minister, John Howard, sent the army into Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory to "rescue children" who, claimed his minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Mal Brough, were being abused by paedophile gangs in "unthinkable numbers".

Subsequently exposed as a fraud by the Australian Crime Commission, the Northern Territory Police and a damning report by child medical specialists, [ Sydney Morning Herald - July 5, 2009] the "intervention" nonetheless allowed the government to destroy many of the vestiges of self-determination in the Northern Territory, the only part of Australia where Aboriginal people had won federally-legislated land rights. Here, they had administered their homelands with the dignity of self-determination and connection to land and culture and, as Amnesty reported, a 40 per cent lower mortality rate. Distribution of food was never a problem.

It is this "traditional life" that is anathema to a parasitic white industry of civil servants, contractors, lawyers and consultants that controls and often profits from Aboriginal Australia, if indirectly through the corporate structures imposed on Indigenous organisations. The remote homelands are seen as an ideological threat, for they express a communalism at odds with the neo-conservatism that rules Australia and demands "assimilation".

When Professor James Anaya, the respected United Nations Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous people, described the "intervention" as racist, the opposition spokesman on indigenous affairs, Tony Abbott, told Anaya to "get a life" and not "just listen to the old victim brigade." Abbott was promoted to prime minister of Australia.
Possible reason for the False Allegations Of Paedophilia made by the Government.
May 23, 2016

The removal of Aboriginal children from their families in Australia hasn’t stopped and in fact there are now more Aboriginal children who have been removed from their families, supposedly for their own protection from child sexual abuse, than at any time in the past.

" … On June 30 1997, there were 2,785 Aboriginal kids in "out of home care". Now there are more than 15,000. The majority of these kids have not been placed with their Aboriginal families; and relatives are routinely denied ‘kinship carer’ status without justification. Children, including newborn babies, are being taken from parents who are homeless, while social housing is under attack. Children are being taken from women experiencing domestic violence, or caught in addiction, while shelters and programs are closed down. Many families are being persecuted by Family and Community Services (FACS) simply for being Aboriginal …"

"THE rate of indigenous children being taken from their families has become so rife, more are being removed today than at any other time in Australia’s sordid colonial history.

Figures reveal the number of indigenous children being forcibly taken from their homes has risen almost 400 per cent in 15 years, prompting Aboriginal Elders to condemn what they are labelling a ‘new Stolen Generation’.

Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander children represent 4.6 per cent of the Australian population, and a whopping one third are in ‘out of home care’.

According to the Federal Government’s 1997 Bringing Them Home report, the number of indigenous children removed from their families at the time was 2785.

Fast forward fifteen years to 2012, where a report by the Federal Government’s Australian Institute of Health and Welfare recorded the instance of removal had risen almost 400 per cent to 13,299.

"More than 14,000 Aboriginal children are in what they call ‘out of home care’ in any given night in Australia," said Paddy Gibson, a senior researcher at the University of Technology, Sydney.

"That is a far greater number of children removed in any year over the Stolen Generations period." "

Britain 'invaded' Australia? New South Wales University accused of 'rewriting history'

Published: 30 Mar, 2016
"A university in Australia has been accused of "rewriting history" after it was revealed that it encourages students to use the terms "invaded, occupied, and colonized" when referring to the role of British settlers in the 18th century.

The contents of the University of New South Wales' (UNSW) Indigenous Terminology Guide emerged after the Australian Daily Telegraph ran a piece with the headline 'Whitewash,' which criticized the university's advocacy of the word "invaded" over "discovered" or"settled."

"UNSW rewrites the history books to state [Captain James] Cook 'invaded' Australia," the front page of the newspaper claimed.

Cook claimed possession of the east coast of current-day Australia on behalf of Britain in 1770, after more than 160 years of mapping and exploration mainly by the Dutch.

According to the guide, the word "invasion" should be used instead of "settled" or "discovered" when referring to Australia's history.

"Describing the arrival of the Europeans as a 'settlement' attempts to view Australian history from the shores of England rather than the shores of Australia," the document states.

It goes on to say that "most Aboriginal people find the use of the word 'discovery' offensive."

There were already more than 250 tribes of Aboriginal people living on the territory when Cook claimed possession of the area. Those tribes were later denied rights to land, citizenship, and equal status during a process of colonization and land confiscation.

The university has defended its guide in a statement, denying accusations that it is trying to "dictate" the language used by its students.

"The guide does not mandate what language can be used. Rather, it uses a more appropriate/less appropriate format, providing a range of examples," the university said.

"Recognizing the power of language, the terminology guide is designed as a resource to assist staff and students in describing Indigenous Australian peoples and their history and culture," the statement continues.

"The University is committed to giving all our students a positive and inclusive learning experience and respecting and learning about Indigenous knowledge is integral to that."

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